Question: Sayadaw, what is the biggest problem Thabarwa is facing right now?
Not understanding about the power of nature of doing good deeds. Because of not understanding about the power of doing good deeds we are doing here, many volunteers or meditators became impatients, they cannot endure. Therefore they leave the center, they will give up doing good deeds like this. In this way they are far far away from the right view. Therefore they need to do good deeds more and more in order to have right understanding. The more we know about the nature, the more we can forgive, forget, endure, sacrifice. Greed, anger and delusion are the biggest problems in this center and also in the society; but we cannot reject greed, anger and delusion, so we need to endure, we need to accept both good and bad together. Eating or not eating, speaking or not speaking, life or death, healthy or sick, all this is not important here. Doing good deeds together continuously, to be doing-only is the most important of all, in this center. I am doing my best all the time therefore the people concerning with me will also be able to do good deeds as their best. This is cause and effect. If I am not dutiful you wont be dutiful. If I am dutiful you can be dutiful. This is the way I am using to fulfill the needs of Thabarwa center.
Sayalay Khema Cari transcribes