We all meditate together in this morning session. We all are using our minds as something or our own belongings. Now we should let go of this understanding and habit. We should try to use our mind to be using only with mindfulness and detachment.
The main object of mindfulness in this session is the present mind we’re using now. The present moment mind needs to detach from other objects. The present moment mind needs to be mindful of itself. As a layperson, if you stay alone by ourself, we need to take care of ourselves. So also, the present mind should stay by itself by taking care of itself. Because of ignorance and attachment, the present mind needs other objects to be mindful.
Because of ignorance and attachment, or present mind misunderstands itself as something. And then it will be mindful on other objects or other living beings or nonliving beings.
Practicing meditation is to practice our present moment mind, to be free from the control of ignorance and attachment. The real meditation is changing from the power of ignorance and attachment to mindfulness and detachment. Meditation centers, meditation teachers, mediators, volunteers donors… are just created truth. Cause and effect of ever new impermanent nature, cause and effect of action and reaction, cause and effect of ever new impermanent nature is original truth. Both created truth and original truth are to be using only without grasbing or attachment in mind.
Doing with attachment is what we used to do. Now we should try to use both created truth and original truth with detachment, to be using only. Our present mind should be free from linking or disliking, concerned with all created truth, or living beings or nonliving beings. Even if the present moment mind can’t be free from linking and disliking. The present mind should try to detach from liking and disliking. As al layperson, we used to represent ourselves as lay person. As a mediator, we should represent ourselves as our present moment mind. Representing ourselves as layperson or as present moment mind should be doing only without grasping and attachment on mind.
Using with grasping and attachment is what we are used to do. Now we need to fight agaisnt this tradition of the mind. We need to change the habit of our own present moment from ignorant and attachment to mindfulness and detachment.
As a layperson, we need to work for outselves or our family, we need to take care of ourselves and our family as long as we are alive. We see practice meditation, we should use created truth and original truth to be using only without grasping and attachment in mind. We should fight against the grasping and attachment habit of the mind at every present moment.
The present moment mind should be at present moment. By fighting agaisnt all grasping and attachment habit of the mind to be non-grasping and detachment me habit of the mind.
In fact, we are not changing the mind. We are all using the same mind which is ever new impermanent nature. We just change the controller from ignorance and attachment to mindfulness and detachment. Like changing from one place to another, or changing from one job to another, the present mind should change from ignorance and attachment to mindfulness and detachment. The power of ignorance and attachment wil…
We should continue to do good deeds to do all kinds of good deeds, to change from ignorance and attachment to mindfulness and detachment. Giving, or helping, or donating, or keeping precepts by not killing, not stealing, not committing sexual misconduct, not telling lies, not drinking or taking drugs, and practicing the mind to be stable and pure, these are good and right action.
By doing good and right action more and more, get well be less and less ignorance and attachment. If we are not doing good and right actions, the will be more and more ignorance and attachment in our minds. With this right understanding, we should do good and right actions more and more. We should help more people, give what we have, donate our belongings, and keep precepts all the time.
We should not kill, should not steal, should not commit sexual misconduct, should not tell lies, should not drink alcohol or take drugs.
We should practice meditation or mindfulness and detachment so that the will be less ignorance and attachment in most of the present mind. Because of not helping others, not giving to others, not donating, because of killing, stealing, committing sexual misconduct, telling lies, drinking alcohol or taking drugs, and because of not practicing mindfulness and detachment, many people in the world, many living beings in the universe are in trouble.
When we do good deeds, we should emphasize the power of doing good deeds or big ones and big organization should be stronger than the power of doing good deeds alone. The power of doing good deeds and in each other or each organization in mediation center.