Question: Dear Sayadaw, my Mom is a Mahayana Bikkhuni. She relies only on chanting Amida Buddha’s name and very grasping on that. She also reject other methods and only keep doing that chanting habits. How can I explain to her about the Truth?
– “It’s possible to be using-only. In this situation, latest news about Covid-19 spreads around the world, many people attach on the updates of virus. We should not reject but we should not forget just doing only. If we are able to be experiencing only about the virus news updating, we can detach. We should not forget the Truth, experiencing only in order to detach from something, what is attach both in the mind at the present moment. But you should practice seriously in this method, and then you may understand how to help her, to teach about attachment. You are dealing with me more than your mother. That’s why, you can learn from me, your mother is also dealing with you more than me. In this way, she can learn from you. You are in her mind, also, your mother is in your mind. This is connections between the minds. If there is the power of detachment in your mind, it will effect the mind of your mother. We ourselves are the most important of all. Our friends, our parents, our relatives are relying on us. If we can change ourselves, they may change for sure. You must practice not only for you but also for your mother.”
Question: Yes Sayadaw. But my mom has many years practising in Pure Land Mahayana method. And in my country, they believe strongly that keep chanting Buddha’s name more and more will help us reborn in the Sukhāvatī – the land of Amida Buddha. My mom is a senior so she can not go to Buddhist school to learn like me, and I don’t know how to explain for her.
– “That’s why you should teach about the Truth to Vietnamese and the other old people like your mother. They are sure to learn from you. You must try. Only by practice you can solve the problem. If you are not teaching to the others you may not have abilities to solve this problem. There is connection. It is the same when I teach for the old people, very difficult. Old meditators, they attach on the method, the master, the meditation center very strong.`In the beginning I can’t teach them very well. It is easier for the beginners and very difficult for the senior. The older they are, the stronger their attachment. But I don’t give up. I continue teach meditation. Most meditators are old in this country. When I work with some of them by teaching and learning everyday, I can find out the way to teach them successfully but It takes many years. Learning, finding the solutions by practice, not by thinking. Thinking is not effective. Practice is perfect for many problems.”
Question: Thank you Sayadaw. I will try to share your teachings and Theravada theory to my mom and try to help her get rid of her old practising habits.
– “What you said about Mahayana theory is wrong. If you can’t detach from that understanding. You can’t get success to correct their mistake. You are misusing the Theravada theory. If you accept Theravada like “This is right”, that is grasping use. You can accept the Theravada theory but you should not grasp as: “This is right! That is wrong!”. Misusing is wrong. If you accept something is wrong. Your teachings will be rejected as wrong. I’ve been teaching about doing only but I’m not grasping. Doing only as this is right. That’s why I’m not saying other methods are wrong. This is using only. You should be able to practice using only. Besides, you should teach the others to be using only. This theory and practice are to be using only, not to grasp as “It is right!””