“Virus is a very small problem concerned with the former problems in this place. Virus is not much important That’s why if we are thinking of the virus, we are difficult to continue doing good deeds. Virus is not sure, the problems, needs of help and volunteering are sure. To prevent the problems which are not sure, we should not lose to solve the problems which are sure. It concerns with the patients.
I use the power of good deeds. So even if someone tried to destroy this center, If I don’t accept it if, I think it is impossible it will be really difficult to destroy this center. Because this is the power of the mind. Many people are also protecting this center as they can do This center is for all, that’s why many people are working here. Many people are also protecting here. So if we are thinking only from the side of the science that is not safe for sure. Here is not much Westerners, not much scientist, not much knowledge about the science. But here is the place of doing good deeds or Dhamma, that’s why many people believe in the power of Dhamma. That’s why by the power of good deeds or Dhamma, many people are safe and many people think this place can be safe by the serious attack of the virus.
This is not a hospital, this is not the village like the others. So not much need to think of the same as the hospitals or villages. So you will see by yourself the differences. Now we are trying to solve the problem by using all methods that we can. For those who believe in quarantine they need to do it but for those who don’t believe in quarantine it will not much effective for sure. The mind is the most important. For me understand quarantine cannot solve all these problems for sure. That is useful but there are also weaknesses for sure. They are also side effects because of quarantine. The virus is not sure, side effects are sure. If we emphasize quarantining everyone especially for Myanmar people, they can not understand of quarantine. That’s why many people are afraid of getting worse by the others. So the problems in the mind will be serious if we do by force.
Even medicine is very strange for most of the Myanmar people. They don’t want to take medicine, they don’t want to go for operation because they are afraid. They don’t know about medicine, that’s why they are afraid of operations. So we can not solve this problem. We can not do it by force. If we do by force they are dangerous because of their mind, not because of operations. If their mind is not good the operation can not be successful. There are many problems like this in this country, therefore, but if you don’t understand the natural mind of the people here you cannot get success to help them.
It will take time. I’m not rejecting quarantine but it will take time. When there is right time we will do quarantine seriously but this is not much need to serious that is what I mean. Because most of the people are safe from the virus. So we can speak freely. It is concerned especially with the international volunteer. I an explain to the Myanmar yogis. If you can have harmony for that is ok. No problem from our side. Because I believe in doing good deeds, we all are doing good deeds that’s why nothing worse can happen. If you see the persons that would be weaknesses, but if you see the actions of doing good deeds there’s no weakness. This is the best we can do now. What we are doing here is protecting of not to happen serious bad things here for sure. But old volunteers, you can work by yourself with the patients. For the new volunteers, they may not be involved in taking care of the patients at the beginning and may join later.”