Total activities in 2023 and plan for 2024

January 4, 2024
Reading time: 4 mins

Question: Dear Sayadaw, please give us a brief report of your activities in 2023, and your plans for Thabarwa Center in 2024.

In 2023, I tried to open one of the rescue centers beside the Yangon-Naypyidaw-Mandalay Highway. That was near Yangon. But that project stopped because we could not get that land. In this way we could not create a new rescue Thabarwa Center in 2023.

Besides, I also tried to work for peace for the country. I could meet with some leaders of the political parties, but I couldn’t meet with the leader of the Myanmar army or Aung San Su Kyi.

For the 2023 vassa, we could successfully conduct a three month meditation retreat in Hanoi, Vietnam. That was really beneficial for all. We could save the greatest merits because of that retreat. Getting the titles of Kammatthanacariya, Saddhamajotika, Lokatthacariya and Ottamasara Thera confirmed by the head monk of Sri Lanka was another consequence of the three month meditation retreat in Hanoi.

I could visit Bodhgaya, India for the first time, and then I could make the decision for the three month vassa meditation retreat in Bodhgaya for 2024.

In October, 2023 we could successfully and legally establish the Highway 203 Mile Naypyidaw Thabarwa Center. Besides, we have the possibility to extend the land of Naypyidaw Thabarwa Center. Therefore, in 2024, Naypyidaw Thabarwa Center will be one of the main international Thabarwa Centers, with dhamma hospital, Buddha garden, a multipurpose education system or university, merit bank, rescue Thabarwa Center, and factory or our own production of manufacturing. There will also be our own cemetery. Because of the new Naypyidaw Thabarwa Center there will be new Yangon and Mandalay Thabarwa centers as well. These centers will also be main international Thabarwa centers.

Because of working for peace in Myanmar and helping the homeless and helpless families of the country and refugees, and taking care of patients in the dhamma hospital, we can save the greatest merits which can create the biggest change of Thabarwa Center. In the beginning of 2023 I hoped to start a new education system of Thabarwa Center, but we were busy with solving the problems of shelter, food and medicine for many family members of the country. In 2024, together with the rescue Thabarwa Center I hope we can create a new education system of Thabarwa Center.

Question: Can Sayadaw give some encouragement or advice for the Thabarwa volunteers for this coming year?

In 2024 Thabarwa Center will be working together with monks and laypeople from many countries. Therefore there will not be as much difficulty as before, because of the support of many authorities, and well educated and wealthy people of the world. It will be easier and easier to do humanitarian activities and practicing meditation. The fortune or fate of Thabarwa Center will change quickly. In this way everything will be easier and easier. Many skillful people will involve in the projects of Thabarwa Center.

Contributed by: Cham Tran